2018 Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics You Need To Know

Prescription drug abuse is a serious and growing problem in the United States. The 2016 National Study on Drug Use and Health reported that an estimated 28.6 million Americans age 12 and overused illicit drugs during the month prior to the study. That means roughly one in 10 people struggle with some level of substance use, including addiction to prescription drugs.1

When a person takes a prescription drug for a nonmedical reason, it can quickly lead to addiction and the need for drug treatment. In fact, 33% of those who misused in high school ended up with an addiction at some point in their life.2

Let’s take a closer look at the current prescription drug epidemic in the United States:

  • 18 million people misused at least once in the past year. 3
  • Most abused prescription drugs fall under four categories, based on the number of people who misuse the drug:
    • Painkillers – 3.3 million users
    • Tranquilizers – 2 million users
    • Stimulants – 1.7 million users
    • Sedatives – 0.5 million users1
  • More people report using controlled prescription drugs than cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine combined. That puts prescription drugs second behind marijuana when it comes to illicit drug use.4
  • Just over 17% of benzo users have misued them, and most overdoses come from mixing them with other opioids5
  • All 50 states have prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) that actively track in-state prescriptions.4

More people report using controlled prescription drugs than cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine combined.4

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Prescription Painkillers and the Opioid Crisis

  • The U.S. makes up 5% of the world’s population and consumes approximately 30% of the world’s prescription opioid drugs.6
  • Prescription opioid drugs contribute to 40% of all US opioid overdose deaths.7
  • In 2016, more than 46 people died each day from overdoses involving prescription opioids.7
  • Prescription opioid overdose rates are highest among people ages 25 to 54 years.7
  • Overdose rates were higher among non-Hispanic whites and American Indians or Alaskan Natives.7
  • Men are more likely to die from prescription opioid overdose, but the gap between men and women is decreasing.7
  • Because of its cheaper price, heroin has become the drug of choice for many who are addicted to opioid pain relievers. Approximately three out of four new heroin users misused prescription opioids prior to using heroin.8
  • More than half (53%) of prescription opioid users got their last painkillers from a friend or relative, with 40.4% paying nothing for the pills.1

Teens and Prescription Drug Use

  • Many teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs because they are prescribed by a doctor.9
  • The top three prescription drugs used by high school seniors in 2017 were: Adderall (5.5%), tranquilizers (4.7%) and prescription opioids (4.2%).2
  • There’s been a significant decline in the misuse of prescription opioids among teens over the past 15 years. For example, Vicodin use among high school seniors dropped from 10.5% in 2003 to 2% in 2017.10
  • Teens reported less availability to prescription painkillers in 2017, with only 35.8% of high school seniors saying they were easy to get versus 54% in 2010.10

Many teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs because they are prescribed by a doctor.10

Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction

If you or a loved one uses prescription painkillers or other habit-forming medications, knowing the signs of abuse can help prevent addiction. Some of these include:

  • Becoming preoccupied with getting and using the drug
  • Needing a supply of the drug on hand at all times
  • Needing more of the drug to produce the same level of pain relief or symptom control11
  • Engaging in dangerous activities, like driving, while under the influence of the drug11
  • Participating in illegal behaviors, such as stealing, to get more of the drug
  • Changes in physical appearance, especially in the area of personal hygiene11
  • Doctor shopping to get new prescriptions for the drug11
  • Stealing drugs from relatives or friends or asking to use someone else’s prescription11

If you notice any of these symptoms in a loved one, or you think you might be developing a drug dependence, it’s time to do something about it.

Finding Help for Prescription Drug Abuse

These prescription drug abuse statistics show that the use of prescription medications for nonmedical reasons is growing in America – and the effects are evident. If you or someone you love is addicted to prescription drugs, call our toll-free helpline now at 678-251-3189. Our admissions coordinators are available 24 hours a day to answer your questions and help you find treatment.

By Patti Richards

1 Ahrnsbrak, Rebecca, et al. Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. September 2017.
2 Miech, Richard; Johnston, Lloyd; O’Malley, Patrick M.; Keyes, Katherine M.; Heard, Kennon. Prescription Opioids in Adolescence and Future Opioid Misuse. Pediatrics. November 2015.
3 What is the scope of prescription drug misuse? National Institute on Drug Abuse. August 2016.
4 2017 National Drug Threat Assessment. U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration. October 2017.
5 Research suggests benzodiazepine use is high while use disorder rates are low. National Institue on Drug Abuse. October 2018.
6 Narcotic Drugs Technical Report. International Narcotics Control Board. 2016.
7 Prescription Opioid Overdose Data. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. August 1, 2017.
8 Heroin Overdose Data. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. January 26, 2017.
9 Volk, Katherine. Teen Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse. SAMHSA. April 19, 2016.
10 Vaping popular among teens; opioid misuse at historic lows. National Institute on Drug Abuse. December 14, 2017.
11 Prescription Drug Abuse. Mayo Clinic. Accessed January 9, 2018.

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