Morphine is one of the most powerful opiates on the market today, a drug commonly prescribed for moderate to severe pain in hospitals. Rarely prescribed for take-home use, morphine is highly addictive. After only a short time of regular use, morphine use quickly turns into morphine abuse and then morphine addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with morphine addiction, do not stop taking the drug “cold turkey” and do not wait to get help. A comprehensive drug rehab centers that includes both a morphine detox and psychological morphine addiction treatment is essential.
What is Morphine?
Generically known only as ‘morphine,’ the drug is sold under a number of brand names including Avinza, Kadian, MS Contain, MSIR, Oramorph SR, and Roxanol. It is classified as a narcotic pain reliever, which means that it works by hampering the way your brain perceives pain. Both short-acting and extended release versions of morphine are available. For moderate pain, the short-acting version is usually prescribed; the extended release version is usually reserved for those who have chronic or severe pain.
Unlike other narcotic medications, morphine is not prescribed for pain due to surgery or acute injury unless you were already taking the drug prior to the event.
What are the Risks of Addiction?
The biggest issue with continued morphine use is the development of morphine addiction. Everyone who takes morphine for an extended period of time on a regular basis will develop a physical dependence upon the drug. This means that more and more of the drug will be needed to in order to maintain the same level of pain management as originally experienced. When this happens, it is described as developing a morphine tolerance and this is a hallmark of morphine addiction.
When you start to crave morphine, wanting more before your scheduled dose time or wanting more than the amount prescribed, this is another hallmark of morphine addiction. Psychological cravings and the desire to augment the prescription with more morphine, other opiate painkillers or other drugs including alcohol is a sure sign that morphine addiction is in effect and morphine rehab is necessary.
Is It Possible to Avoid Addiction and Rehab?
It is possible to develop only a physical addiction to morphine, but it is not common. Should this happen, you will still require morphine addiction treatment and rehab in the form of morphine detox. Here, your focus will be on the physical effects of morphine addiction, which means medical treatment that assists you in breaking your physical dependence. If psychological dependence is not present, then your treatment will be complete when you stabilize after your morphine detox.
Why Is Treatment Necessary?
Morphine residential rehab is necessary because it is the only way to treat morphine addiction. Whether your dependence is physical only or both physical and psychological, some form of morphine rehab is necessary for a number of reasons, including to:
- Protect against complications: If you have underlying medical conditions, as most people do who have prescription drug dependencies that started with a doctor’s prescription, then there could be complications if you attempt a morphine detox alone.
- Protect against overdose: Even those who have been taking morphine for a long period of time are prone to overdose without treatment at a morphine rehab.
- Protect against health problems: Morphine addiction means health problems that can range from heart disease to kidney or liver failure.
- Protect against relapse: Morphine rehab does more than provide a medical detox for physical addiction. You will also undergo relapse prevention and psychological treatment to help you avoid relapse when you return home.
What Types of Are Available?
You have a number of choices in morphine addiction treatment. There are both inpatient and outpatient morphine rehabs available as well as long-term and short-term options of both. There are morphine addiction treatment centers that focus solely on the physical aspect of addiction and those that provide psychological treatment only. Due to the nature of opiate addiction like morphine addiction, most morphine rehabs are comprehensive and offer both morphine detox and treatment for the mental and psychological aspect of morphine addiction. Any treatment center that offers morphine detox will likely require an inpatient stay while those that offer only psychological treatment generally offer both inpatient and outpatient programs.
How Do I Know If I Need Help?
Discerning whether or not a morphine prescription has turned into morphine abuse or morphine addiction can be difficult, especially if the person in question is yourself. If you are concerned about your own use of morphine, take an honest inventory. Are your doctors telling you that your morphine use is hurting vital organs and body systems? Are you fighting with your significant other over your morphine use or the decisions you make or behaviors under the influence of morphine? Do you have a number of legal issues to deal with due to a stack of unpaid bills, DUI charges, forgery or fraud charges to gain more opiate prescriptions, even assault or other petty theft crimes? Are you unable to keep up with your commitments at work or school or feel that you’ve let go of important relationships and/ or projects in your life due to morphine addiction? Do you feel that your children, elderly family members or others who depend on your are being let down because you are unable to keep up due to morphine use? Are you scared of the possible cost that morphine rehab will cost? There is rehab insurance available, just contact your current insurance agent to ask about it.
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you need morphine rehab.
Where Do I Find a Program?
You can choose a morphine rehab that is close to home or a resort-style rehab addiction program on the beach or in the mountains. You have a range of options to choose from, including morphine rehabs that offer the bare bones basic medical care you need to break your physical dependence and celebrity style morphine addiction treatment programs that offer every therapeutic amenity under the sun. The one you choose is up to you. Take a moment to explore your options and choose the best morphine rehab program for you.