What types of professionals are not appropriate for Talbott Recovery?
Patients with a primary psychiatric diagnosis only, who are suicidal, with medical conditions that require inpatient care or patients with [...]
Patients with a primary psychiatric diagnosis only, who are suicidal, with medical conditions that require inpatient care or patients with [...]
Talbott Recovery accepts patients with a multiple disease states, such as addiction with a co-occurring depression, unresolved grief, personality problems, [...]
Be open to, and willing to, follow these guidelines and suggestions. If couples or family therapy is recommended, participate. Support [...]
Access your local support, your Al-Anon group, and your individual or family therapist. Encourage your loved one to contact his/her [...]
Alcoholics and addicts should not receive any communion containing alcohol. Talk with your priest or minister about this, and he/she [...]
Again, talk with your loved one about your concerns; and, together, develop a safety plan, which addresses them. Agree on [...]
Our concern about exposure to alcohol and other drugs also drives our recommendation to help persons in early recovery avoid [...]
As stated above, the goal is to work toward minimizing exposure to alcohol and other drugs after addiction rehab. We [...]
It is important that exposure to alcohol and drugs be kept to a minimum, especially during the first several months [...]
Discuss your fears and concerns with your loved one. Then, together, you can develop a plan that will address your [...]